As school safety remains a top priority for educators and parents alike, many schools across the country have turned to security guard services for added protection. In Austin, Schools Trust Guards On Call has become a popular option for schools looking to enhance their safety measures.

Who is Guards On Call?

Guards On Call is a Texas-based security company that specializes in providing school security services. The company offers unarmed security guards who are trained to handle a range of situations, including emergency situations such as lockdowns and evacuations.

What services does Guards On Call offer?

Guards On Call offers a variety of services to schools in the Austin area, including:

  • On-site security guards during school hours
  • Patrols of school grounds during non-school hours
  • Emergency response services
  • Security assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities

Why do schools in Austin trust Guards On Call?

There are several reasons why schools in Austin trust Guards On Call:


Guards On Call has been providing school security services for over a decade, and their guards are highly trained and experienced in handling a wide range of situations. This experience gives schools confidence that their students and staff are in good hands.

Customer service

Guards On Call takes pride in its customer service, and works closely with schools to understand their unique security needs. The company also provides ongoing support to ensure that schools are satisfied with their services.


Guards On Call understands that every school is unique, and offers customizable security solutions to meet the needs and budget of each school. This flexibility makes it easier for schools to implement security measures that work for them.


Despite offering high-quality security services, Guards On Call is affordable and offers competitive pricing. This is important for schools that are operating on tight budgets.


As school safety remains a top concern, it’s important for schools to take proactive measures to keep their students and staff safe. Guards On Call has become a trusted partner for schools in Austin, providing high-quality security services that are affordable and customizable. If you’re a school administrator in the Austin area, consider reaching out to Guards On Call to learn more about their services and how they can help you enhance your school’s safety measures.